Samsung Electronics reported a 96% plunge in quarterly operating profit, prompting the company to make a "meaningful" cut to chip production.

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The company estimated its operating profit fell to 600 billion won ($455.5 million) in January-March, from 14.12 trillion won a year earlier, the lowest profit for any quarter in 14 years.

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The global semiconductor market has suffered a sharp downturn, leading to a drop in memory chip demand due to the macroeconomic situation and slowing customer purchasing sentiment.

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Samsung plans to lower the production of memory chips by a meaningful level, especially those with supply secured, indicating an unusually strong signal for the company.

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SK Hynix, Samsung's rival, saw its shares surge 5% as investors welcomed the plans to cut production to preserve pricing power.

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The company did not disclose the size of the planned cut, but analysts estimated the chip division sustained quarterly losses of more than 4 trillion won ($3.03 billion).

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The chip division's quarterly loss would be the first since the first quarter of 2009, which is a major divergence from what is normally a cash cow that generates about half of Samsung's profits in better years.

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The drop in consumer demand for tech devices due to rising inflation has led to semiconductor buyers, including data center operators and smartphone and personal computer makers.

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Samsung's revenue likely fell 19% from the same period a year earlier to 63 trillion won.

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The company is due to release detailed earnings, including divisional breakdowns, later this month.