Intraoperative video monitoring is a recent development in the field of surgery that involves the use of cameras and other technology to monitor surgical procedures in real-time.

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A study recently published in Nature Biomedical Engineering examined the use of intraoperative video monitoring to provide real-time feedback to surgeons during procedures.

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The study found that the use of this technology was effective in helping surgeons improve their techniques and make better decisions during surgeries.

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However, the study also highlighted the potential for the boundary between doctor and computer to become blurred, which could lead to intimidation or even a threat to a surgeon's abilities.

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The use of advanced technology in surgery can provide many benefits, but it also raises important ethical and social questions about the relationship between humans and machines.

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One concern is that the increasing use of technology in surgery could lead to a loss of trust and confidence in human doctors, as patients may come to rely too heavily on technology to provide the best possible care.

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Another concern is that the use of technology could create a power dynamic between the surgeon and the computer, where the computer is seen as the ultimate authority on what is best for the patient.

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This could potentially lead to situations where surgeons feel intimidated or threatened by the technology, and may be less likely to speak up or question its decisions.

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It is important for the medical community to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of using advanced technology in surgery, and to develop clear guidelines and protocols to ensure that the technology is used in a way that supports, rather than undermines, the skills and expertise of human surgeons.

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Ultimately, the goal should be to find a balance between the use of technology and the skills of human doctors, so that patients can receive the best possible care while also maintaining the trust and confidence in their medical providers.